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Server Error
Access Manager WebSEAL could not complete your request due to an unexpected error.
Diagnostic Information
Method: GET
URL: /error.php?url=/j_impe/upcimweb/pu/login?TAM_OP=error&USERNAME=unauthenticated&ERROR_CODE=0x38cf04d3&METHOD=GET&URL=%2F&HOSTNAME=www.upc.at&AUTHNLEVEL=0&FAILREASON=&PROTOCOL=http
Error Code: 0x38cf04d3
Error Text: DPWWA1235E Could not read the response status line sent by a third-party server. Possible causes: non-spec HTTP headers, connection timeout, no data returned. This is not a problem with the WebSEAL server.
Provide your System Administrator with the above information to assist in troubleshooting the problem.
[none BUTTON]
bye Gerhard