Verliere ständig Internetverbindung

Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema Internet-Zugänge via WLAN, Funk und Mobil-Anbieter.
Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema Internet-Zugänge via WLAN, Funk und Mobil-Anbieter.

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Verliere ständig Internetverbindung

Beitragvon ascha191 » Do 12 Jan, 2006 10:00

Habe ein Problem mit dem Funktinternet Provider! Ich verliere regelmäßig (in ca. 2 Stunden Abständen) die Verbindung zum Provider. Zuerst hängt die Verbindung ca. 10-15Sek. und anschließend steht in der Windows-Ereignisanzeige <siehe Bild>

Mein System:
Athlon XP 2600+
1,25 GB - RAM
Windows XP Professional SP2 + Alle aktuellen Patches installiert
Windows XP Firewall aktiv
AntiVir PE aktiv

- SpyBot Search&Destroy findet nichts
- Ad-Aware findet nichts

Habe extra meinen Rechner schon neu aufgesetzt! Hat aber nicht geholfen. Selbiges tritt auch auf dem Laptop meiner Freundin auf!

Der mywave Support sagte nur, dass es nicht an ihnen liegen kann(das Signal sei ausgezeichnet), sondern mein System schuld sei!

Kann mir jemand einen Tip geben? Ich dreh schon langsam durch!

mfg ascha191
trennung.gif (20.6 KiB) 6330-mal betrachtet
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Beitragvon mazunte » Do 12 Jan, 2006 12:52

hi frag doch mal den Support ob er sich mit Deinen Benutzerdaten einwählen kann?
Wie jung oder alt ist Dein Account?

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Beitragvon mazunte » Do 12 Jan, 2006 12:58

Sorry habe Funk übersehen!! Trotzdem die Frage wie lange hast du diesen Anschluss schon? Eventuell sind Geografische Probleme in Deinem Wohnraum(ort)
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Beitragvon ascha191 » Do 12 Jan, 2006 13:44

Den Anschluss habe ich seid Mitte Dezember 2005. Habe laut Support ein perfektes Signal. Wohne auch nur ca. 50m mit direktem Sichtkontakt vom Sender entfernt. Die Probleme habe ich schon von Anfang an!

Gibt es Programme mit denen man überwachen kann welche Software den zusammenbruch verursacht?

Die selbe Meldung (Ereignisanzeige) bekomm ich übrigens auch, wenn ich die Verbindung von Hand trenne!!! Das ist ja das was mir so komisch vorkommt...
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Beitragvon Tom-Wien » Do 12 Jan, 2006 14:17

das sagt der eventkatalog dazu:
Code: Alles auswählen
Event Information     
Explanation :
A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection was disconnected. Possible causes include normal user-initiated disconnection or a hardware error.

User Action :
Check the PPP and Rasman logs for any related events. If no related events are found, then this was probably a user-initiated disconnection and no user action is required.

ich würde mir mal die systemdienste anschauen wie denn der dienst so konfiguriert ist. un deventuell den treiber des aapters einmal neu installieren.

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Beitragvon wicked_one » Do 12 Jan, 2006 14:47

du wohnst in da einflugschneise zum flughafen und alle 2 stunden düst a flieger vorbei und du bist im funkschatten :D

also ehrlich wenn du die verbindung ständig verlierst solltest vielleciht besser drauf aufpassen ;)
Never a mind was changed on an internet board, no matter how good your arguments are...

- I Am Not A Credible Source
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Beitragvon ascha191 » Do 12 Jan, 2006 14:53

Tom-Wien hat geschrieben:das sagt der eventkatalog dazu:
Code: Alles auswählen
Event Information     
Explanation :
A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection was disconnected. Possible causes include normal user-initiated disconnection or a hardware error.

User Action :
Check the PPP and Rasman logs for any related events. If no related events are found, then this was probably a user-initiated disconnection and no user action is required.

ich würde mir mal die systemdienste anschauen wie denn der dienst so konfiguriert ist. un deventuell den treiber des aapters einmal neu installieren.

welchen dienst meinst du den genau?
Und was ist mit "Check the PPP and Rasman logs" gemeint? Wo kann ich die finden? Das wäre evtl. noch interessant.
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Beitragvon ascha191 » Do 12 Jan, 2006 15:02

Windows 2000 and XP:
Win2k Pro and all versions of XP require using a command prompt to enable logging. Open a command prompt with Start->Run and type in cmd

From the command prompt, type:

set tracing PPP enable

After you enable logging, all PPP activity is logged to a file named ppp.log in the folder Tracing located in the Windows folder.

To disable PPP logging, use the command sequence above, except replace enable with disable.

so aktiviert man laut google =) den PPP-Logging. Rasman dann anscheinend mit
set tracing rasman enable
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Registriert: Di 13 Dez, 2005 21:34

Beitragvon ascha191 » Do 12 Jan, 2006 18:03

So hab jetzt mal mitgeloggt.
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=1,Protocol=c021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=2,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmThisLayerDown called for protocol = c021, port = 3
[2056] 18:30:58:921: Packet received (19 bytes) for hPort 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmDown event received for protocol 80fd on port 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=7,Protocol=80fd,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmThisLayerDown called for protocol = 80fd, port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmReset called for protocol = 80fd, port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmDown event received for protocol 8021 on port 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=10,Protocol=8021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmThisLayerDown called for protocol = 8021, port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: FsmReset called for protocol = 8021, port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=190,Protocol=c223,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=c029,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <PPP packet sent at 01/12/2006 17:30:58:921
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <Protocol = LCP, Type = Terminate-Ack, Length = 0x13, Id = 0x4, Port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <C0 21 06 04 00 11 4D 50 50 45 20 64 69 73 61 62 |.!....MPPE disab|
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <6C 65 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |led.............|
[2192] 18:30:58:921:
[2192] 18:30:58:921: NotifyCaller(hPort=3, dwMsgId=1)
[2192] 18:30:58:921: InsertInTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=2,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: >PPP packet received at 01/12/2006 17:30:58:921
[2192] 18:30:58:921: >Protocol = LCP, Type = Terminate-Req, Length = 0x13, Id = 0x5, Port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: >C0 21 05 05 00 11 4D 50 50 45 20 64 69 73 61 62 |.!....MPPE disab|
[2192] 18:30:58:921: >6C 65 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |led.............|
[2192] 18:30:58:921:
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=1,Protocol=c021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=2,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <PPP packet sent at 01/12/2006 17:30:58:921
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <Protocol = LCP, Type = Terminate-Ack, Length = 0x13, Id = 0x5, Port = 3
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <C0 21 06 05 00 11 4D 50 50 45 20 64 69 73 61 62 |.!....MPPE disab|
[2192] 18:30:58:921: <6C 65 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |led.............|
[2192] 18:30:58:921:
[2192] 18:30:58:921: NotifyCaller(hPort=3, dwMsgId=1)
[2192] 18:30:58:921: InsertInTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=2,fAuth=0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: PPPEMSG_LineDown recvd, hPort=3

[2192] 18:30:59:203: Line down event occurred on port 3
[2192] 18:30:59:203: FsmDown event received for protocol c021 on port 3
[2192] 18:30:59:203: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=1,Protocol=c021,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:59:203: FsmReset called for protocol = c021, port = 3
[2192] 18:30:59:203: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=3,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:59:203: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=7,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:59:203: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=2,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:59:203: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=0,EventType=1,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:59:265: RemoveFromTimerQ called portid=4,Id=0,Protocol=c029,EventType=0,fAuth=0
[2192] 18:30:59:265: LcpEnd
[2192] 18:30:59:265: Post line down event occurred on port 3
[2192] 18:30:59:265: NotifyCaller(hPort=3, dwMsgId=23)
[2192] 18:30:59:265: NotifyCaller(hPort=3, dwMsgId=10)

[2192] 18:30:58:921: sendpppmessagetorasman: msgid=1
[2192] 18:30:58:921: Setting last error for port VPN3-1 to ppp error 0x2de
[2192] 18:30:58:921: sendpppmessagetorasman: msgid=1
[2192] 18:30:58:921: Setting last error for port VPN3-1 to ppp error 0x2de
[2056] 18:30:59:187: WorkerThread: Disconnect event signaled on port: VPN3-1
[2056] 18:30:59:187: OVEVT_DEV_STATECHANGE. pOverlapped = 0x2760688
[2056] 18:30:59:187: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\worker.c, 1936: Disconnecting port 3, connection 0x2785580, reason 1
[2056] 18:30:59:187: Disconnecting Port 0xVPN3-1, reason 1
[2056] 18:30:59:187: DisconnectPort: Saving Bundle stats for port VPN3-1
[2056] 18:30:59:187: DwDeleteCredentials
[2056] 18:30:59:187: RasImpersonateUser. 0x0
[2056] 18:30:59:187: RasRevertToSelf. 0x0
[2056] 18:30:59:187: DwDeleteCredentials: 0x2785580
[2056] 18:30:59:187: DisconnectPort: DwDeleteCreds returned 0x0
[2056] 18:30:59:187: QueueCloseConnections: no dependent connections
[2056] 18:30:59:187: 10. Throwing away handle 0x0!
[2056] 18:30:59:187: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c, 2012:Setting port 3 for autoclosure...
[2056] 18:30:59:187: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c 2024: Disconnected Port 3, reason 1. rc=0x0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c, 2185: DeActivated Route for VPN3-1(0x2763530), bundlehandle 0x3, prottype = 2048
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c: 2280: port 3 state chg: prev=2, new=3
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c: 2296: port 3 state chg: prev=3, new=4
[2056] 18:30:59:203: 5. Notifying of disconnect on port 3
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c: 2408: port 3 async reqtype chg: prev=26, new=0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: ***** DisconnectReason=1,pConn=0x2785580,cbports=1,signaled=1,hEvent=0xffffffff,fRedial=0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: Calling DwQueueRedial
[2056] 18:30:59:203: DwQueueRedial
[2056] 18:30:59:203: DwQueueRedial: fRedialOnLinkFailure == FALSE
[2056] 18:30:59:203: DwQueueRedial returned 0x0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\util.c, 2468: Autoclosing port 3
[2056] 18:30:59:203: PortClose: port (3). OpenInstances = 1
[2056] 18:30:59:203: Freeing the notifier list for port 3
[2056] 18:30:59:203: PortClose (3). OpenInstances = 0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\request.c: 2932: port 3 async reqtype chg: prev=0, new=0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\request.c: 2935: port 3 state chg: prev=4, new=4
[2056] 18:30:59:203: RemoveConnectionPort: port 3, fOwnerClose=0, pConn=0x2785580, pConn->CB_Ports=0

[2056] 18:30:59:203: SendSensNotification(_RAS_DISCONNECT) for 0x00030000 returns 0x00000000
[2056] 18:30:59:203: DwSendNotificationInternal(ENTRY_DISCONNECTED) rc=0x0
[2056] 18:30:59:203: RemoveConnectionPort: FreeConnection hconn=0x30000, pconn=0x2785580, AutoClose=1
[2056] 18:30:59:203: FreeConnection: pConn=0x2785580, 1
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\request.c, 3020: Clearing the autoclose flag for port 3
[2056] 18:30:59:203: DisconnectPort Complete
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\worker.c: 1974: port 3 state chg: prev=4, new=4
[2056] 18:30:59:203: d:\xpsprtm\net\rras\ras\rasman\rasman\worker.c: 1978: port 3 async reqtype chg: prev=0, new=0
[3488] 18:30:59:203: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave neu
[3488] 18:30:59:203: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[3488] 18:30:59:203: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave
[3488] 18:30:59:203: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave neu
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave neu
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave
[1632] 18:30:59:218: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[2192] 18:30:59:265: DeallocateRouteRequestCommon: pBundle=0x27576b0, type=2048

[2192] 18:30:59:265: DeAllocateRoute: PI_Type=0x800, PI_AdapterName=\DEVICE\{6203B401-D83E-4689-AE23-F1FFB1F6ABDD}, PI_Allocated=-1
[2192] 18:30:59:265: DeAlloc..: increasing the avail. count for IP
[2192] 18:30:59:265: NewInUse for IpOut = 0
[2192] 18:30:59:265: FreeBundle: freeing pBundle=0x27576b0
[2192] 18:30:59:265: Ignoring removal request for 1
[2192] 18:30:59:265: Ignoring removal request for 2
[2192] 18:30:59:265: DwRemoveEndPointsifRequired: Nothing to remove
[2192] 18:30:59:265: sendpppmessagetorasman: msgid=10
[2192] 18:30:59:265: SendPPPMessageToRasman: disconnecting port. state=4
[2192] 18:30:59:265: DwProcessPppFailureMessage: PPP called to disconnect even though it hadn't started!! port 3
[1128] 18:30:59:390: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave neu
[1128] 18:30:59:390: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668
[1128] 18:30:59:390: GetHconnFromEntry. mywave
[1128] 18:30:59:390: GetHconnFromEntry done. 668

kann jemand was damit anfangen? was verursacht den Verbindungsabbruch? :-?
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Registriert: Di 13 Dez, 2005 21:34


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