(Wie) kann ich eine VPN Verbindung (WinXP) ĂĽber Port80 (http) durch einen Proxy aufbauen?

2.) Soweit ich weiĂź funktioniert die HTTPTunnel Methode ganz gut.
Und bist du sicher das du ĂĽber Port 80 und nicht ĂĽber Port 443 connecten willst?
@herrhund: http://www.vpnforum.de/
--http-proxy server port [authfile] [auth-method]
Connect to remote host through an HTTP proxy at address server and port port. If HTTP Proxy-Authenticate is required, authfile is a file containing a username and password on 2 lines, or "stdin" to prompt from console.
auth-method should be one of "none", "basic", or "ntlm".
Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors. If an HTTP proxy error occurs, simulate a SIGUSR1 reset.
--http-proxy-timeout n
Set proxy timeout to n seconds, default=5.
--http-proxy-option type [parm]
Set extended HTTP proxy options. Repeat to set multiple options.
VERSION version -- Set HTTP version number to version (default=1.0).
AGENT user-agent -- Set HTTP "User-Agent" string to user-agent.
--http-proxy server port [authfile] [auth-method]
Connect to remote host through an HTTP proxy at address server and port port. If HTTP Proxy-Authenticate is required, authfile is a file containing a username and password on 2 lines, or "stdin" to prompt from console.
auth-method should be one of "none", "basic", or "ntlm".
Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors. If an HTTP proxy error occurs, simulate a SIGUSR1 reset.
--http-proxy-timeout n
Set proxy timeout to n seconds, default=5.
--http-proxy-option type [parm]
Set extended HTTP proxy options. Repeat to set multiple options.
VERSION version -- Set HTTP version number to version (default=1.0).
AGENT user-agent -- Set HTTP "User-Agent" string to user-agent.
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