UPC ipv6

Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema Internet-Zugänge via Fernsehkabel und Glas, Satellit und Stromleitungen.
Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema Internet-Zugänge via Fernsehkabel und Glas, Satellit und Stromleitungen.

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UPC ipv6

Beitragvon valentinul » Mo 10 Nov, 2014 11:54

Hello to everyone,

I'm a new user, my name is Valentin and I'm a UPC user in Wien. :)

My problem is the following:
- I have a router connecting to my upc modem that has static IPV4 and dynamic IPV6
- the IPV4 works like a charm (6+ months)
- yesterday I tried to configure IPV6 to have a dual-stack on my network and it seems that I cannot setup a working IPV6 setup

I tried dynamic, static IPV6 and none are working.
The WAN IPV6 is working (the IP is getting up and can be pinged from outside) but the LAN is not working.
In other words I don't have any outside connection over IPV6.

Tried to setup the LAN for IPV6 using dhcp/slaac and both not working.

Anyone using IPV6 from UPC with their own router ? What kind of setup do you have ?

Thank you!
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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: So 09 Nov, 2014 08:22

Re: UPC ipv6

Beitragvon valentinul » Mo 10 Nov, 2014 11:56

I think I posted into a non-technical section...
If a mod sees this topic, please move it to the correct forum.

Thank you!
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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: So 09 Nov, 2014 08:22


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