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ALL-IN-ONE - for ADSL ??

BeitragVerfasst: So 12 Jun, 2005 12:23
von Peugeot
First of all hello..

Sorry for not writing in German but it sux, so i think it is better to do it this way! I am interested in only one thing! I am planing to get in my office an Internet connection from Telekom Austria (aDSL).

My question is this! Is there any device (name? model?) that is ALL-IN-ONE. That means, aDSL modem+WLAN Router? I would like to go with that solution better then to buy a separate WLAN router.

I hope there is a thing like that?

Thanx in advance!

BeitragVerfasst: So 12 Jun, 2005 12:32
von mas
If you want to use a device that have both, modem and router, you can use the Linksys WAG54G. That have both in one.

I would recommend you to use the "Thomson" ADSL Modem, that you get from the Telekom Austria and a Linksys WRT54G Router. Because ist easier if you have Problems with your line, the ISP only support it with the "Thomson" ADSL Modem.

Best regards


BeitragVerfasst: So 12 Jun, 2005 12:38
von computerherby
Do you need ADSL for Businees or Private use?
@Business is no WLAN Router integrated in ADSL Modem available. You only can get Speedtouch 610 or Cisco-Models Serie 8. Only Telekom Austria can configure this Modems. To use WLAN you also can connect an WLAN-AP on the LAN-Interface.

@Privat you can get Speedtouch 570 Modem with integrated WLAN-Router. You can configure anything by yourself.
Or you order a Speedtouch 510 and connect a WLAN-AP like written before.

BeitragVerfasst: So 12 Jun, 2005 13:12
von Peugeot
Well i need it for both Business and Private use! Hmm I like the WAG solution! :) will try that one! Thanx m8! I hope it is not to dificult to connect with that on the net!

BeitragVerfasst: So 12 Jun, 2005 13:16
von mas
np ... but think of, if you have a problem you have to use the Speedtouch Modem to get support by your ISP.