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WRT54g + Alcatel 1000 aDSL

BeitragVerfasst: Di 28 Sep, 2004 09:47
von Broadcaster
Hello guys..

Back home i have made the AON + wrt54g to work with ur help of course.. :) Also back home i have some Thomson aDSL modem, and after setting the parameters for PPPTP, connecting to the Internet was childs play.. Now i am at my friends, and he also has an AON Speed aDSL Internet link. I did everything like back home, but i just can not connect :( I set the ip of router to Gateway to, Net Mask to and of couse i have the user name and the pass! Butttt.. The problem is i think the Alcatel modem! :( I do not know what to do.. I have brought my modem, and i was online in no time! :( So, what should i do? Thanx in advance, and sorry for not writing in German..

Thanx guys..

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 29 Sep, 2004 11:23
von Broadcaster
No one knows? :(

Please help me..

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 29 Sep, 2004 11:52
von atzplzw
Maybe there is a Firmware Update to get it to work?


Re: WRT54g + Alcatel 1000 aDSL

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 29 Sep, 2004 12:23
von martin
Broadcaster hat geschrieben:The problem is i think the Alcatel modem!

yes, i guess it is.

the alcatel 1000 modems are known to not work properly with some routers.

you can either try using a different modem (maybe get a speedtouch 510 from ebay?) or using a different router.

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 29 Sep, 2004 19:26
von Broadcaster
Thanx my friend..

I will try to do that! :) Bye..