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AON + Linksys WRT54G

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 22 Sep, 2004 22:52
von Broadcaster
First of all hello!

Sorry for not writing in English, but i just do not speak German.. Any way, i have bought Linksys WRT54g and i do have an AON Speed aDSL connection. Actually, i bought the WLAN router today. So, when i set up my connection on my PC without a router, i need to set up some VPN stuff, to give to my Net card an ip address and so on.. With the router, i can not set all thoose things! Can someone tell me how to set up this router to work with my AON aDSL?

Thanx in advance! :)


BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 04:37
von jutta
try to chose "pptp" first - then your setup interface should show the fields to fill in those items. you might want to have a look at the instructions at

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 06:15
von Broadcaster
Thank You so much for answering!

Ok, when i get the Router Setup page and i choose connection type: PPPtP i can write: user name, pass, Ip adress??? - wich one should i put in? Gateway??? (Wich one should i put in), DNS servers -those i have..

So i am connecting with PPPtP? I have an aDSL link from Telekom. Thank You guys once again for trying to help me solve this problem! :)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 07:06
von jutta
IP Address:
Gateway: 10. 0.0.138
see also

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 08:46
von Broadcaster

U r great! :) I will try this as soon as i get home! :) Thanx for that posting! :) I hope it will be ok now!

Any way i will post here if something is not working ok!

Do u sugest that i do a Firmware update?

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 09:08
von tialk
if you need things like qos/bandwith management, linux shell, increased transmit power aso., yes.

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 10:36
von Broadcaster
Well i hope i do not need it! :)

And one stupid question.. Can the G signal get through walls? I have 2 walls between my room and the router.. :)

Thanx in advance..

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 10:43
von jutta
normally it should go through, unless they are extremely thick or contain lots of metallic pieces

BeitragVerfasst: Do 23 Sep, 2004 10:52
von Broadcaster
One is solid, but one is made from Gips-plates..

U r great guys, i have never seen so "fast" forum :) I have a feeling that i am like on some kind of Messenger service :)


If i have more questions i will ask u and i will for sure tell u how i did with the router setup! :)

Bye.. :)

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 24 Sep, 2004 16:14
von Broadcaster
Thanx guys.. Everithings works now perfectlly! :)

U r great! :)