Hab ein Problem mit licq unter Mandrake 8.1. Kann nicht connecten. Hier der Auszug aus dem Logfile:
00:29:10: [INI] Qt GUI configuration.
00:29:10: [INI] Geometry configuration (100, 100) (150 x 400)
00:29:10: [INI] Applying basic skin.
00:29:18: [UDP] Requesting logon (#15730)...
00:29:18: [UDP] Resolving icq.mirabilis.com...
00:29:18: [UDP] ICQ server found at
00:29:18: [UDP] Creating local server.
00:29:18: [UDP] Opening socket to server.
00:29:28: [WRN] Timed out after 10 seconds (#15730), retry 1 of 6...
00:29:38: [WRN] Timed out after 10 seconds (#15730), retry 2 of 6...
00:29:48: [WRN] Timed out after 10 seconds (#15730), retry 3 of 6...
00:29:58: [WRN] Timed out after 10 seconds (#15730), retry 4 of 6...
00:30:08: [WRN] Timed out after 10 seconds (#15730), retry 5 of 6...
00:30:18: [WRN] Timed out after 10 seconds (#15730), retry 6 of 6...
00:30:28: [WRN] Timed out (#15730).