Switzerland (by EFF.org) - Test your ISP on Net Neutrality

Fragen rund um die Themen Netzwerk und Technik, die keinem Betriebssystem zuzuordnen sind. Beiträge rund um Hardware gehören auch hier rein (ausser bei Treiber-Fragen, diese dann im jeweiligen Subforum des passenden Betriebssystemes stellen).

Switzerland (by EFF.org) - Test your ISP on Net Neutrality

Beitragvon Maxx_1150 » Mi 21 Jan, 2009 01:05

fĂĽr alles interessierte - SWITZERLAND downloaden und ausprobieren. Das Tool tested Dein Internet-Connection auf Verletzungen des Net-Neutrality Prinzips. KĂĽrzlich erschien ĂĽber das Tool und seine HintergrĂĽnde sogar ein durchaus positiver Bericht im rennomierten Wall Street Journal.

Switzerland Network Testing Tool

Is your ISP interfering with your BitTorrent connections? Cutting off your VOIP calls? Undermining the principles of network neutrality? In order to answer those questions, concerned Internet users need tools to test their Internet connections and gather evidence about ISP interference practices. After all, if it weren't for the testing efforts of Rob Topolski, the Associated Press, and EFF, Comcast would still be stone-walling about their now-infamous BitTorrent blocking efforts.

Developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Switzerland is an open source software tool for testing the integrity of data communications over networks, ISPs and firewalls. It will spot IP packets which are forged or modified between clients, inform you, and give you copies of the modified packets.

You can download the latest release of Switzerland here. Before you run it, be sure to check out the notes about privacy, security, and firewalls. Switzerland is currently in alpha release as a command line tool. In other words, right now it is aimed at relatively sophisticated users. However, because it's an open source effort, we anticipate making it easier to use over time (please please please let us know by email, by IRC, or by filing bugs if you're running the client but it isn't working for you — we've seen some clients reconnecting in cycles that makes us think there's a bug we should fix!).

Switzerland is designed to detect the modification or injection of packets of data traveling over IP networks, including those introduced by anti-P2P tools from Sandvine (widely believed to be used by Comcast to interfere with BitTorrent uploads) and AudibleMagic, advertising injection systems like FairEagle, censorship systems like the Great Firewall of China, and other systems that we don't know about yet.

viel VergnĂĽgen !
Beiträge: 208
Registriert: Di 22 Jan, 2008 11:05
Wohnort: Wien


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