can't reconnect to the network after installing xdsl

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can't reconnect to the network after installing xdsl

Beitragvon cordin » Mo 11 Okt, 2004 20:15

i installed the inode software through their automatic installer (lazy? yes :) )

but now i cannot reconnect to the LAN i already have running using the netgear rp114 dsl router (since that doesn't work with the xdsl-service i'll have to unplug/plug in whenever i want to go on the internet, such is life...)

i'm running win2k on my 2 desktops, the laptop is connected via wlan (netgear me102) and runs xp...

so. what do i do now...?
i'm an experienced user but no admin of networks.

Thanks alot,
cordin - Delivering little bundles of love, in a box, directly to your door.

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Beitragvon ruffy_mike » Mo 11 Okt, 2004 23:23

So that means you can't connect to your LAN after you've installed the xDSL software on your PC?

I guess the Inode-software has more or less 'hijacked' your ethernet-settings. Open a command prompt and verify the output of 'ipconfig /all'.

Btw, I think it should be possible to plug the Inode modem into a LAN port of your router. Thus you should be able to access the modem via all your computers. You'll have to dial-in as if the modem was locally plugged in at the computer, though.
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Beitragvon cordin » Di 12 Okt, 2004 10:37

ruffy_mike: So that means you can't connect to your LAN after you've installed the xDSL software on your PC?

ruffy_mike: I guess the Inode-software has more or less 'hijacked' your ethernet-settings. Open a command prompt and verify the output of 'ipconfig /all'.
>-what am i looking for here?

ruffy_mike: Btw, I think it should be possible to plug the Inode modem into a LAN port of your router. Thus you should be able to access the modem via all your computers. You'll have to dial-in as if the modem was locally plugged in at the computer, though.
>-i've tried all i can think of doing trying to share the connection via the router, but according to many ppl on you cannot share the connection via the rp114 router, if you are stuck on netgear you must have the fr114-p i think it was, 89,90¤ at Saturn, 73¤ on
cordin - Delivering little bundles of love, in a box, directly to your door.

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Beitragvon jutta » Di 12 Okt, 2004 10:43

if you want to run your lan and the internet connection from the same computer you need two network interfaces.

I recommend that you install the interfaces and the vpn/pptp connection manually (and not with the wizard) in such a situation as the wizard will probably just take the first interface it finds...

with ipconfig /all you can see the present configuration of your netword interface(s) ip addresse, subnet mask, standard gateway and also ppp connections.
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Beitragvon cordin » Di 12 Okt, 2004 11:45

jutta hat geschrieben:if you want to run your lan and the internet connection from the same computer you need two network interfaces.

>- Ok i think i can dig out an old network card from the treasure trove :)
But how can i fix this station so that it shows on the LAN again?

jutta hat geschrieben:I recommend that you install the interfaces and the vpn/pptp connection manually (and not with the wizard) in such a situation as the wizard will probably just take the first interface it finds...

>- yeah i'd say the same thing :) and i do hate wizards, but it was 2am as i installed the damn thing so laziness won :)

jutta hat geschrieben:with ipconfig /all you can see the present configuration of your netword interface(s) ip addresse, subnet mask, standard gateway and also ppp connections.

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:I guess the Inode-software has more or less 'hijacked' your ethernet-settings. Open a command prompt and verify the output of 'ipconfig /all'.

>- According to ruffy, the wizard "hijacked" my ethernet hehe, bastards, how cani see this and how can i rescue my dear old settings from the bad guys?
inode: international-network-overtaking-devilish-extremists? :P
cordin - Delivering little bundles of love, in a box, directly to your door.

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- I'm from Sweden.
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- I'm from Sweden, or maybe I'm stupid :)
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Registriert: Fr 08 Okt, 2004 12:43
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Beitragvon ruffy_mike » Di 12 Okt, 2004 12:13

Before you install any new card (which I think you don't need to), open a DOS command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" on all your computers and post the result here. Just don't be connected to the internet at that time, b/c I guess you don't want us to see your public IP address ;)

My rough guess is that that wizard has changed the settings of your network card. It could be that it was configured to obtain the IP address and other network information automatically (DHCP), and now the wizard has changed these settings to a static IP which doesn't work with your LAN.

So, first post that ipconfig-information. If you have a computer in your LAN that hasn't been "infected" with Inode ;) then post the results of an "ipconfig /all" on that machine, too!

Additionally, we'll need to know what specific Inode product you've got and which modem you use (Zyxel 645/650 or whatever).
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Beitragvon hannibal218bc » Di 12 Okt, 2004 13:06


actually, you *can* have xDSL working with your equipment, but you have to have every computer "dial in" into the internet, and it's only good for 2 concurrent internet sessions.

Here's how it goes:
1. Connect the netgear's WAN jack with inode's box. ("LAN" jack)
2. Connect your computers with the netgear's LAN jacks.
3. Reset the netgear.
4. Configure your computer's network interfaces to "obtain automatically" ip-address, gateways and name servers.
5. Open the network status window, click "details", and "repair". The computers should get an IP Address from your netgear.
6. Log into your netgear's configuration wizard. Choose "Ethernet" as connection type, and let it obtain WAN IP Settings automatically.
7. Choose any LAN settings you like, but repair your computer's network links after applying the modified settings.
8. On any computer you want to be able to connect to the internet, set up a new network connection ("VPN"), and connect to with your xDSL user name and password.
9. Should be working right now ;-)

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Beitragvon cordin » Di 12 Okt, 2004 13:21

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:Before you install any new card (which I think you don't need to), open a DOS command prompt and type "ipconfig /all" on all your computers and post the result here. Just don't be connected to the internet at that time, b/c I guess you don't want us to see your public IP address ;)

>- o i can't trust you ppl!!? :P j/k
i'll post that later tonight, gotta let gf on to look up her books for uni

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:My rough guess is that that wizard has changed the settings of your network card. It could be that it was configured to obtain the IP address and other network information automatically (DHCP), and now the wizard has changed these settings to a static IP which doesn't work with your LAN.

So, first post that ipconfig-information. If you have a computer in your LAN that hasn't been "infected" with Inode ;) then post the results of an "ipconfig /all" on that machine, too!

>- is there some way for me to copy/paste this? i do NOT have the strength in my fingers to copy it by typing :)

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:Additionally, we'll need to know what specific Inode product you've got and which modem you use (Zyxel 645/650 or whatever).

>- I've got a Zyxel Prestige 645... i'll include that later so that you can read it in the same post and don't have to waste any braincells that can be wasted in a much more intelligent fashion... like drinking... :)

o and service is xdsl@home 1500/386, no VoIP, einzelplatz

So then i could only connect with 2 of my coputers at once? And the third one would still be on the etherbet but not be able to browse?

And would that mean that i'd have to connect these 2 stations every time either of them would need internetaccess?

Thanks alot all of you for your replies to this post, don't you just love this mess hehe
cordin - Delivering little bundles of love, in a box, directly to your door.

Why english?
- I'm from Sweden.
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- I'm from Sweden, or maybe I'm stupid :)
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Registriert: Fr 08 Okt, 2004 12:43
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Beitragvon jutta » Di 12 Okt, 2004 13:39

cordin hat geschrieben:>- is there some way for me to copy/paste this? i do NOT have the strength in my fingers to copy it by typing :)

there are even two :)

right-mouse-click on the tiny "c:" symbol in the left hand top corner of the command interface opens a menue where you can choose "markieren" (or whatever language your computer talks) and then "kopieren)

even easier: you can save the output of ipconfig /all (and of any dos-command) into a text file using something like "ipconfig /all >ip.txt"

then you can open it with your text editor.

if you type "... >a:\ip.txt" you save it to your diskette (if your have one), which makes retrieving easier.
Zuletzt geändert von jutta am Di 12 Okt, 2004 15:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Beitragvon hannibal218bc » Di 12 Okt, 2004 13:58

cordin hat geschrieben:Hannibal218bc:
So then i could only connect with 2 of my coputers at once? And the third one would still be on the etherbet but not be able to browse?

Exactly. Each computer hast to establish its own internet connection by "dialling" into Inode's VPN, and Inode allows only two concurrent logins per customer.

Of course you could try to set up Windows' Internet Connection Sharing on your machines, once you have that dial in thing working - but I guess, that setup is kind of advanced, and has the disadvantage that the computer that shares the connection has to be always on.

If you plan to have one computer switched on anyways, this would be the way to go...

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Beitragvon ruffy_mike » Di 12 Okt, 2004 15:03

cordin hat geschrieben:Hannibal218bc:
So then i could only connect with 2 of my coputers at once? And the third one would still be on the etherbet but not be able to browse?

Yea, but it's still a lot better than connecting the pc to the modem everytime like you did it before, huh? :) I guess it's kinda impossible for you to surf the net on 3 computers simultaneously anyway ;)

Btw, what do you think of our ISP's prices here in Austria - compared to Sweden? I once mentioned how much I pay for my student connection when I was talking to a friend of mine in Finland, and he was laughing his bloody ar.. off! He pays like half of that for a regular connection with more speed and unlimited d/l :oops:
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Beitragvon ruffy_mike » Di 12 Okt, 2004 15:27

Oh, and another thing... I don't know if you are aware of that, but some routers DO work with Inode xDSL. You can get a list of routers that are known to work here:
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Beitragvon cordin » Di 12 Okt, 2004 18:23

Jutta: thanks alot! didn't know that those commands could be used in dos, only in unix/linux what with writingoutput to files... god i feel like a n00b :P

hannibal218bc hat geschrieben:Exactly. Each computer hast to establish its own internet connection by "dialling" into Inode's VPN, and Inode allows only two concurrent logins per customer.

Of course you could try to set up Windows' Internet Connection Sharing on your machines, once you have that dial in thing working - but I guess, that setup is kind of advanced, and has the disadvantage that the computer that shares the connection has to be always on.

If you plan to have one computer switched on anyways, this would be the way to go...

This won't be the case since they kinda drink kwH's :/ and with all the airflow they've got they sound pretty much like turboengines :)

Connection sharing would also mean that all traffic has to go through one computer and thereby i'll have a bottleneck... so no can do

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:Yea, but it's still a lot better than connecting the pc to the modem everytime like you did it before, huh? I guess it's kinda impossible for you to surf the net on 3 computers simultaneously anyway

O on the contrary mon frer!

1 is used for surfing and communications such as irc, msn, icq, yahoo im etc and for tracking/mapping of where you are etc (see below)
1 is used as the gamingstation, i play asheron's call, or intend to hehe so there i'll need a connection for the game which i do hate to run in windowed mode :)
1 is my girlfriends laptop... and since i do NOT wish to share my own computers as fast as she wants to check her email, i'll need the ability of 3 simultanious connections at once :) simple as that hehe

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:Btw, what do you think of our ISP's prices here in Austria - compared to Sweden? I once mentioned how much I pay for my student connection when I was talking to a friend of mine in Finland, and he was laughing his bloody ar.. off! He pays like half of that for a regular connection with more speed and unlimited d/l

Yeah it is quite painful here...
in Stockholm i had a 10mb/s connection (as in kinda 10000kb/s) at 10¤ a month... and ofcourse no stupid limits!

what is needed here in austria to achieve that i don't know, the government invested some but the rest came from intelligent ppl in the industry who realised they could actually make a bundle more cash by making stuff easier, simpler, faster and less painful... huge investment i guess, but then they are taking over the whole goddamn electronical infrastructure in the country so go figure who is winning in the end? :P

by doing this they also killed off all the smalltimers and wannabe's since all others who wanted to survive this purge of stupidity and shortsightedness had to invest in the tech upgrade... and that is a good thing :)

ruffy_mike hat geschrieben:Oh, and another thing... I don't know if you are aware of that, but some routers DO work with Inode xDSL. You can get a list of routers that are known to work here:

Yeah i read up on that... i'm considering the FR114P i think it's called

Thanks alot for the tip!

I'll post the info (ipconfig) later today when i have the time, this writing took a few precious minutes away from cooking! Making a soup which i hope hasn't boiled away by now! :)
cordin - Delivering little bundles of love, in a box, directly to your door.

Why english?
- I'm from Sweden.
Why the stupid questions?
- I'm from Sweden, or maybe I'm stupid :)
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Beiträge: 19
Registriert: Fr 08 Okt, 2004 12:43
Wohnort: Vienna/Austria

Beitragvon cordin » Di 12 Okt, 2004 19:17

so here's the data:

w/o any cable at all
Windows 2000 IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : comms
Primary DNS Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Cable Disconnected
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-FC-84-C0-F9

with cable from the router (rp114)
Windows 2000 IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : comms
Primary DNS Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-FC-84-C0-F9
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : den 29 september 2004 09:47:29
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : den 2 oktober 2004 09:47:29

the dsl modem is a zyxel prestige 645

the service is xdsl@home 1500/386 w/o voip, einzelplatz (a bit faulty, a guy is coming tomorrow to test the cables which were connected by someone from TA last week... joy!)

Do you need the data from the still working stations on the network too?
cordin - Delivering little bundles of love, in a box, directly to your door.

Why english?
- I'm from Sweden.
Why the stupid questions?
- I'm from Sweden, or maybe I'm stupid :)
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Beiträge: 19
Registriert: Fr 08 Okt, 2004 12:43
Wohnort: Vienna/Austria

Beitragvon ruffy_mike » Di 12 Okt, 2004 23:42

Well, just check on the still-working-workstations if they obtain their IP and DNS server automatically (DHCP). If so, do the same on your hijacked computer (ie configure it to get the IP automatically).

After that, perform a "ipconfig /renew" on the computer. The LAN should work again.

Go to hannibal's posting, he has explained it nicely how to setup your LAN!

Btw... if you have a laptop, go get yerself a nice Wireless LAN router... surfing the net with a laptop by cable is like playing soccer with one leg... ^^
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Registriert: Fr 01 Okt, 2004 01:18
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