Speedtouch 510

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Speedtouch 510

Beitragvon voesen_david » Fr 09 Dez, 2005 18:43

Habe mein Speedtouch 510 ethernet als NAT-Router konfiguriert. Ist es möglich per DHCP
einem bestimmten Computer (MAC-Adresse) immer die selbe IP-Adresse

MfG David V.
Neu im Board
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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Fr 09 Dez, 2005 18:36

Beitragvon jutta » Fr 09 Dez, 2005 21:14

schau dir die folgende befehle im telnet-interface an:
Code: Alles auswählen
[dhcp server]=>lease help all

Command: dhcp server lease add
Adds a DHCP server lease
Syntax : add clientid = <clientid|none> pool = <{LAN_private}>
             [addr = <ip-address>] [offset = <number>] [leasetime = <number>]
             [hostname = <hostname|"">]

Parameters :
   clientid = <clientid|none>
     The DHCP client identification string of the booting host.
   pool = <{LAN_private}>
     The name of the DHCP server pool.
   [addr = <ip-address>]
     The IP address for this DHCP host.
   [offset = <number>]
     The IP address offset in the pool preserved for this host.
   [leasetime = <number>]
     The time in seconds the host is allowed to use this address.
   [hostname = <hostname|"">]
     The hostname to add to the local DNS table for this host.

Command: dhcp server lease delete
Deletes a DHCP server lease
Syntax : delete [clientid = <clientid|none>] [index = <number>]

Parameters :
   [clientid = <clientid|none>]
     The DHCP client identification string.
   [index = <number>]
     The DHCP server lease table index.

Command: dhcp server lease flush
Flushes all DHCP server leases
Syntax : flush [pool = <{LAN_private}>]

Parameters :
   [pool = <{LAN_private}>]
     The name of the DHCP server pool. Only the leases belonging to this pool
     will be deleted.

Command: dhcp server lease list
Lists all DHCP server leases
Syntax : list [clientid = <clientid|none>] [index = <number>]

Parameters :
   [clientid = <clientid|none>]
     The DHCP client identification string.
   [index = <number>]
     The DHCP server lease table index.

[dhcp server]=>

'help' und 'help all' helfen meistens wirklich :)
ansonsten: cli-manual von www.speedtouch.com runterladen.
Beiträge: 30485
Registriert: Do 15 Apr, 2004 10:48
Wohnort: wien


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