comcast stoert p2p-traffic

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Alle technisch orientierten Fragen und Diskussionen zum Thema Internet-Zugänge via Fernsehkabel und Glas, Satellit und Stromleitungen.

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comcast stoert p2p-traffic

Beitragvon jutta » Sa 20 Okt, 2007 04:43

der amerikanische provider comcast behindert p2p-traffic seiner kund/inn/en, indem direkt in die sessions eingegriffen wird, berichtet die new york times.

Comcast's interference, on the other hand, appears to be an aggressive way of managing its network to keep file-sharing traffic from swallowing too much bandwidth and affecting the Internet speeds of other subscribers.

Comcast, the nation's largest cable TV operator and No. 2 Internet provider, would not specifically address the practice, but spokesman Charlie Douglas confirmed that it uses sophisticated methods to keep Net connections running smoothly.

Further analysis of the transfer attempt from the Comcast-connected computer in the San Francisco area revealed that the failure was due to ''reset'' packets that the two computers received, carrying the return address of the other computer.

Those packets tell the receiving computer to stop communicating with the sender. However, the traffic analyzer software running on each computer showed that neither computer actually sent the packets. That means they originated somewhere in between, with faked return addresses. ... ation.html ... Tests.html

diskussion des themas findet dzt auf der nanog-mailingliste statt.
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Registriert: Do 15 Apr, 2004 10:48
Wohnort: wien

Beitragvon jutta » So 21 Okt, 2007 18:23

und dazu ein beitrag von der nano-mailingliste:

The short answer: Badly. Based on the research, conducted by Terry Shaw,
of CableLabs, and Jim Martin, a computer science professor at Clemson
University, it only takes about 10 BitTorrent users bartering files on a
node (of around 500) to double the delays experienced by everybody else.
Especially if everybody else is using "normal priority" services, like
e-mail or Web surfing, which is what tech people tend to call
"best-effort" traffic.

Adding more network bandwidth doesn't improve the network experience of
other network users, it just increases the consumption by P2P users.
That's why you are seeing many universities and enterprises spending
money on traffic shaping equipment instead of more network bandwidth.
Beiträge: 30485
Registriert: Do 15 Apr, 2004 10:48
Wohnort: wien

Beitragvon murder_penguin » Mo 22 Okt, 2007 20:00

Naja, is ja nix neues bei Comcast, oder?
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Beitragvon medice » Mo 22 Okt, 2007 20:07

da tun sie was - aber gleichzeitig isses wohl der ISP mit den meisten IRC-Malwares in deren Reihen ;)

Wir in Bayern brauchen keine Opposition, weil wir sind schon Demokraten. (c) Gerhard Polt
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