UltraSparc2 (sunblade 100)

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UltraSparc2 (sunblade 100)

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 22:04

hi Leute hat jemand Erfahrung mit einer ultra sparc2 mit debian?
Problem ist bei booting linux hm ..... einfach aus und macht nichts mehr??
aktuellster kernel fĂĽr debian (sparc)

thx. im voraus
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Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41

Beitragvon lordpeng » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 23:10

hmmm, ich kenn die kiste zwar nicht, aber schau dir mal http://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/20 ... 00028.html an ... wennst aber ein problem mit einer sparcstation SLC hast, kann ich dir weiterhelfen, davon vegetieren 3 stĂĽck bei mir aufm dachboden *g*
Beiträge: 10189
Registriert: Mo 23 Jun, 2003 22:45

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 23:21

wie könnte dies unter der SLC gehen? bzw. ausschauen?
mejor con la bici a la playa de un Porsche para trabajar!
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Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41

Beitragvon lordpeng » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 23:28

gar nicht, SLC sind X terminals deren leistung fĂĽr aktuelle linux kernels wohl etwas zu gering ist :-)
Beiträge: 10189
Registriert: Mo 23 Jun, 2003 22:45

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 23:42

danke vorerst wir werden das problem schon lösen sei es mit ?? denn Free BSD macht die selben Manderln lol THX Mazunte
mejor con la bici a la playa de un Porsche para trabajar!
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Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41

Beitragvon lordpeng » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 23:46

wo genau hängt die kiste denn? bereits bei der installation oder nach der installation?

>danke vorerst wir werden das problem schon lösen sei es mit ??
tust halt openbsd drauf ... oder du nimmst das was ohnehin drauf war ... solaris 8 ...
Beiträge: 10189
Registriert: Mo 23 Jun, 2003 22:45

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Mo 06 Feb, 2006 23:54

bei install! wir versuchen morgen (das bett ruft) linux arp rarp dienst und tftp!
thx for tip
aber vorher googlen

http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/ar ... stall-tftp
http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/ar ... file-descs
mejor con la bici a la playa de un Porsche para trabajar!
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Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41

Beitragvon lordpeng » Di 07 Feb, 2006 00:10

btw ¹. solltest du's versuchen von diskette zu installieren, verwend mal ne andere diskette, wär nicht das erste mal, dass man an einer fehlerhaften diskette scheitert

btw ². warum versuchst du's eigentlich mit woody und nicht mit sarge?

btw ³. wennst gar keins der erwähnten systeme zum laufen bekommst versuchs mit netbsd, das läuft sogar auf einem staubsauger wenns sein muss ...
Beiträge: 10189
Registriert: Mo 23 Jun, 2003 22:45

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Di 07 Feb, 2006 06:42

thx. lordpeng des war jetzt ein super guten morgen und wird der spruch des tages:das läuft sogar auf einem staubsauger wenns sein muss ... *lol* werden das dann abends testen wie auch immer auf jeden fall wirds gepostet

mejor con la bici a la playa de un Porsche para trabajar!
Board-User Level 1
Board-User Level 1
Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Di 07 Feb, 2006 20:22

Installing Debian on a Sun Blade 100 system
By Elie De Brauwer ([email protected])
1. Introduction
This how-to guides you through the process of installing Debian GNU Linux on a Sun Blade 100 System. Doing this
l rarp
l tftp
l Dual boot with Solaris
l an existing Linux configuration capable of performing the first two tasks
This how-to doesn't handle the entire installation process, only the Sun Blade 100 specific issues.
Changing partition sessions can result in loss of data, or can get you in some additional trouble (no valid operating
system etc.../). This how-to just explains how I did it, everything you do with your system is at your own responsability.
If you should encounter any problems feel free to drop me an email
Document version 0.4 24-July-2005
Distribution policy
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004 by Elie De Brauwer < [email protected] > .
This document may be distributed under the term set forth in the LDP license at
I'd like to recieve any additional information, bugs, errors, improvements, questions about this subject. If you want to
include this information in a larger documentation effort or structure, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
l A Sun Blade 100 system, I don't have any other Sun system so I am unable to test this procedure on other
machines if you have any feedback concerning other configurations contact me. Hardware donations are welcome
but I don't expect any.
l A Linux system that's up and running and is on the same network as the Blade 100, you need to have root
privileges on this machine.
l Internet access to get the boot images
Step 1: setting up the rarpd and the tftpd
First, we need to install some packages on an existing linux configuration. These packages are rarpd and tftpd. We need
to go thru all these trouble because the Sun firmware doesn't support boot from floppy anymore (only boot net, boot from
Step 1.1: rarpd
ARP = Address Resolution Protocol this search the MAC-address from a given IP, RARP = Reverse Address Resolution
Protocol, transmits the MAC-address and hopes to recieve from the a machine running a RARPD what is IP-address
actually is (boot time configuration). Since the 2.4 kernel series ARP/RARP is no longer handled by the Linux kernel but
thru a Daemon. In debian you can install this using apt-get install rarpd in another distribution, get the arpd package and
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install it. (Manipulating older kernels ARP/RARP tables is beyond the scope of this howto).
Rarpd is a daemon which responds to RARP requests. RARP
is used by some machines at boot time to discover their IP
address. They provide their Ethernet address and rarpd
responds with their IP address if it finds it in the
ethers database (either /etc/ethers file or NIS+ lookup)
and using DNS lookup if ethers database contains a hostname
and not an IP address. By default rarpd also checks
if a bootable image with a name starting with the IP
address in hexadecimal uppercase letters is present in the
TFTP boot directory (usually /tftpboot ) before it decides
to respond to the RARP request.
This came from the rarpd manpage, herein it states that you should create a file /etc/ethers which rarpd uses as a
database. And we should create a (world readable) /tftpboot directory where we need to put the bootable images. We
won't create the tftpboot directory now for reasons which will soon become clear.
Step 1.2: creating /etc/ethers
The /etc/ethers file has the following syntax
aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff w.x.y.z
aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff host.domain
Where aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff is the MAC-address of the machine that needs to be booted (in this case the Sun Blade 100),
where w.x.y.z is the IP-address that should be assigned to the machine with the aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff MAC-address. Another
option is instead of using the IP-address you could use the hostname which resolves in the IP-address, only one of the
two is needed. When booting the Sun Blade 100 one gets a Sun Logo and banner, this banner states
Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), keyboard Present
OpenBoot 4.0, 256 MB memory installed, Serial #11111111
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:11:95:e4, Host ID: 1111111
This states the ethernet address (or MAC-address we need for the /etc/ethers file), there are various other ways to got the
MAC-address but this is the one with the littlest effort required. (It is possible that this Sun banner does not appear, this
is an environment setting, you could change it back to show the banner but it's easier to get it out of solaris or out the arp
cache from an other linux system.
Now we add the following line in /etc/ethers:
This line states that a RARP request originating from 00:03:BA:11:95:E4 (note the extra zeros) should be answered with
the ip (I use this ip range for my home network, and this needs to be converted to HEX later on. We cannot yet
start the rarpd because rarpd looks for a bootable image in /tftpboot which isn't there yet.
Step 1.3: TFTP
TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol, has somethings in common with ftp the biggest difference is that FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) uses TCP and that TFTP goes over UDP (so much less error correction but higher speeds), TFTP is
used to put configuration files into cable modems or routers and to boot diskless client and X-terminals. In this case
TFTP is used to put the kernel and the root filesystem and boot those. Installation under Debian (I used atftp client and
server, client isn't really needed here but I recommend installing them for debugging purposes.
RoGue:~# apt-cache search atftp
atftp - Advanced TFTP client.
atftpd - Advanced TFTP server.
RoGue:~# apt-get install atftp atftpd
So you install these now and create a world readable /tftpboot directory. Now we need to get the bootable image. You
can get it from your local debian mirror in the subdirectory /debian/dists/stable/main/installer-
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sparc/current/images/sparc64/netboot for a 2.4 kernel of use the 2.6 subdirectory for a 2.6 kernel. Attention You need to
rename this image to the 8 digit HEX notation of the IP address given to the Sun. = (base 10) = 0A.00.00.03 (base 16)
0A.00.00.03 = 0A000003 (base 16)
So in my case I'd put the image in /tftpboot/0A000003 and make this world readable off course.
Step 2: Starting up the installation
By default, when you power on the system the Solaris operating system is booted. Since we are going to create a dual
boot installation we don't mean to damage anything. There are some remarks to be made, on a default configuration you
have a 20 gigabyte harddisk where you have an unused partition of 12 gigabyte mounted under /space, we plan to install
debian here, so before doing anything, please check that all data is backupped from that partition to avoid data loss, if
you plan not to dual boot you must check that all important data is backupped.
For now boot the machine in a regular way and open a root shell, now issue the command shutdown -i 0 -g 0 this halts
the operating system (go to init 0) and drops you into the firmware (you get an OK prompt).
Now we have to change one setting in the environment variables of the firmware. You can list the environment variables
using the printenv command. Now we enter the command:
ok setenv auto-boot? false
auto-boot? = false
Now the system will not autoload Solaris on reboot but go straight ahead to the firmware (give you the ok prompt),
during the debian installation a reboot is required, now we can straigt boot the Debian partition, else we'd have to boot
Solaris, shutdown solaris and boot Debian which would be a huge waste of time, you can set this variable to true again
after the installation if you like.
At this ok prompt you type 'boot net', the system reboots, tries to get the bootable image over tftp, loads his kernel and
launches debian setup. What now follows is a piece of a tcpdump which shows the rarp/tftp handshake between
(the Sun) and (also RoGue.x, the rarpd/tftpd), tcpdump was run on or RoGue.x.
16:45:33.008669 rarp who-is tell
16:45:33.096956 rarp reply at
Rarp request and reply above
16:45:33.097425 > RoGue.x.tftp: 17 RRQ "0A000003"
tftp request for file 0A000003 to the rarpd (since there was no such file at the moment of the request the request will be
repeated to broadcast).
16:45:33.111098 rarp reply at
16:45:33.170115 rarp reply at
16:45:33.217740 rarp reply at
16:45:33.523034 RoGue.x.1238 > udp 18 (DF)
16:45:37.111384 > 17 RRQ "0A000003"
16:45:37.120344 RoGue.x.1238 > udp 18 (DF)
16:45:38.091336 arp who-has tell RoGue.x
16:45:38.091797 arp reply is-at 0:60:97:5a:b6:99
16:45:46.148641 arp reply is-at
16:45:46.148793 arp reply is-at
16:45:46.148932 arp reply is-at
16:45:46.152229 RoGue.x.1239 > udp 18 (DF)
16:45:55.184954 > 17 RRQ "0A000003"
16:45:55.190934 RoGue.x.1239 > udp 18 (DF)
16:46:04.221990 > 17 RRQ "0A000003"
16:46:04.225737 RoGue.x.1239 > udp 18 (DF)
16:46:13.258389 > 17 RRQ "0A000003"
Some more requests but than I created the file 0A000003 in /tftpboot on rogue.x (the rarpd and tftpd system).
16:46:13.308740 RoGue.x.1239 > udp 516 (DF)
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16:46:13.311475 > RoGue.x.1239: udp 4
16:46:13.318714 RoGue.x.1239 > udp 516 (DF)
16:46:13.321393 > RoGue.x.1239: udp 4
16:46:13.336238 RoGue.x.1239 > udp 516 (DF)
The transfer of the tftpboot.img is started, after some time you see the Linux kernel loading and showing you the debian
setup welcome screen, if this loading should file please consult the problem section at the end of this document.
Step 3: Installing
At this point you should have seen the Linux kernel load and gotten the blue Release Notes screen that welcomes you to
the Debian installation system.
Step 3.1: Installing the keyboard
You must pick the i386/qwerty/us : U.S. (PS2/USB) option here, a Sun Blade 100 has a USB keyboard and mouse if you
pick a Sun Type 4/5 keyboard you will encounter problems later on setup which will force you to reboot.
Step 3.2: Partition a harddisk
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/hda (Sun disk label): 16 heads, 63 sectors, 38790 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
Device Flag Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 1041 13525 6291936 2 SunOS root
/dev/hda2 u 0 1041 524664 3 SunOS swap
/dev/hda3 0 38790 19550160 5 Whole disk
/dev/hda4 u 13526 14046 262080 82 Linux swap
/dev/hda5 14047 38788 12469464 83 Linux native
/dev/hda8 38788 38790 1008 0 Empty
Command (m for help):
This is my current partition table, please not that
l SunOS swap isn't the same as Linux swap
l I created a ((14046-13526) * 512)\1024 = 260 mb swap partition
l And a 12 gig Linux native partition
l I dropped the SunOS home partition (this partition was mounted under /swap under Solaris
Additional note it is perfectly possible to use the SunOS swap as a linux swap partition but you will need to add a
mkswap on that partition in your Linux initscripts because everytime you boot Solaris the swap type is overwritten. If
you would consider to dump Solaris and make it a Linux only system make sure that the first partition (containing sector
0) is a Linux native partition and keep the SunOS disklabel and the third (whole disk) partition for compatibility with the
After this you must initialize your Swap and your Linux partition. Since this is a network install you must also configure
your network.
Step 3.3: A word about modules
You can either take a look at my /etc/modules or look at the list below. This is simply a list of modules I installed, I
didn't install any netfilter modules or any (just because I didn't need them, my Sun Blade is a programming workstation
behind a firewall).
l solaris : support for solaris binaries
l ipv6 : ipv6 support
l smbfs : samba filesystem support
l romfs : rom filesystem support
l ramfs : ram filesystem support
l nfsd : network file system daemon support
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l msdos : dos filesystem support
l parport and parport_pc : parallel port support
l lp : printer support
l soundcore: soundsystem support
l ac97_codec : sound codec
l trident : sound card support
l openrom : openrom support
l rtc : real time clock support
l usbmouse : need for you usbmouse to work
Step 3.4: Bootloader
Just keep in mind that you can't boot a Sun Blade 100 from a diskette so I don't think creating a boot disk has much use,
simply let setup install SILO (the sparc bootloader). And reboot.
Step 4: Rebooting
When you reboot the system it drops you into the firmware. You may boot Solaris by simply entering boot at the prompt.
(For more information about the boot command enter help boot at the prompt). If you used the same partitioning scheme
as I you would now enter boot disk0:3 at the prompt. disk0 is the harddisk, disk1 is the cdrom/dvd rom drive. (Count
starts with 0 !). And you boot the 4th (3) real partition (0: SunOS root 1: SunOS swap 2: Linux Swap 3: Linux Native).
After entering this command you get the SILO boot prompt, you can either enter linux and press enter, just press enter or
wait a few moments to autoboot. Normally you'd see the kernel boot now and you can continue to add packages now.
Step 4.1: dmesg
Below I'll insert a copy of my dmesg, some might find it interesting because it basicly contains the entire Sun Blade 100
system configuration.
PROMLIB: Sun IEEE Boot Prom 4.0.45 2001/02/08 14:33
Linux version 2.4.18 (root@vore) (gcc version egcs-2.92.11 19980921 (gcc2 ss-980609 experimental)) #2 ARCH: SUN4U
Ethernet address: 00:03:ba:11:95:e4
On node 0 totalpages: 32101
zone(0): 32658 pages.
zone(1): 0 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Found CPU 0 (node=f006dbd4,mid=0)
Found 1 CPU prom device tree node(s).
Kernel command line: root=/dev/hda5 ro
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 1002.70 BogoMIPS
Memory: 252664k available (1944k kernel code, 512k data, 168k init) [fffff80000000000,000000000ff24000]
Dentry-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 524288 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 262144 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 65536 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 65536 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 262144 bytes)
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
PCI: Probing for controllers.
PCI: Found SABRE, main regs at 000001fe00000000, wsync at 000001fe00001c20
SABRE: Shared PCI config space at 000001fe01000000
SABRE: DVMA at c0000000 [20000000]
PCI0(PBMA): Bus running at 33MHz
isa0: [dma -> (floppy) (parallel)] [power] [serial] [serial]
ebus0: [flashprom] [eeprom] [idprom]
PCIO serial driver version 1.54
su(serial) at 0x1fe020003f8 (tty 0 irq 12,7eb) is a 16550A
su(serial) at 0x1fe020002e8 (tty 1 irq 12,7eb) is a 16550A
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd
Journalled Block Device driver loaded
atyfb: 3D RAGE (XL) [0x4752 rev 0x27] 8M SDRAM, 29.498928 MHz XTAL, 230 MHz PLL, 100 Mhz MCLK
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 144x56
fb0: ATY Mach64 frame buffer device on PCI
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kbd_init: Assuming USB keyboard.
isa(speaker): iobase[000001fe02000042:000001fe02000061]
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
rtc_init: no PC rtc found
block: 128 slots per queue, batch=32
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
ALI15X3: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 68
ALI15X3: chipset revision 195
ALI15X3: 100% native mode on irq 4,7cc
ide0: BM-DMA at 0x1fe02000a20-0x1fe02000a27, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1fe02000a28-0x1fe02000a2f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
hda: ST320011A, ATA DISK drive
hdb: LTN486S, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
ide0 at 0x1fe02000a00-0x1fe02000a07,0x1fe02000a1a on irq 4,7cc
hda: 39102336 sectors (20020 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=38792/16/63, UDMA(66)
hdb: ATAPI 48X CD-ROM drive, 120kB Cache, UDMA(33)
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
Partition check:
hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 hda5 hda8
loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
sungem.c:v0.96 11/17/01 David S. Miller ([email protected])
eth0: MII PHY ID: 437420 Enable Semiconductor
eth0: Sun GEM (PCI) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:03:ba:11:95:e4
SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
usb.c: registered new driver usbdevfs
usb.c: registered new driver hub
usb-ohci.c: USB OHCI at membase 0x1ff02000000, IRQ 9,7e4
usb-ohci.c: usb-00:0c.3, PCI device 108e:1103
usb.c: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
hub.c: USB hub found
hub.c: 4 ports detected
usb.c: registered new driver keyboard
usbkbd.c: :USB HID Boot Protocol keyboard driver
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 32Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem.
EXT3-fs: write access will be enabled during recovery.
hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/3, assigned device number 2
input0: USB HIDBP Keyboard 0430:0005 on usb1:2.0
kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly.
hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/4, assigned device number 3
usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod 0x430/0x100) is not claimed by any active driver.
Adding Swap: 262064k swap-space (priority -1)
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.17, 10 Jan 2002 on ide0(3,5), internal journal
sys32_ioctl(hwclock:34): Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(00004b50) arg(effff900)
sys32_ioctl(hwclock:35): Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(00004b50) arg(effff910)
IPv6 v0.8 for NET4.0
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 [email protected]).
parport0: PC-style at 0x1fe02000378 (0x1fe02000778), irq 7039808 [PCSPP,TRISTATE]
lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
Trident 4DWave/SiS 7018/ALi 5451,Tvia CyberPro 5050 PCI Audio, version 0.14.9d, 15:02:23 Apr 11 2002
trident: ALi Audio Accelerator found at IO 0x1fe02000900, IRQ 7039840
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: 0x4144:0x5348 (Analog Devices AD1881A)
usb.c: registered new driver usb_mouse
input1: USB HIDBP Mouse 0430:0100 on usb1:3.0
usbmouse.c: v1.6:USB HID Boot Protocol mouse driver
eth0: MII PHY ID: 437420 Enable Semiconductor
eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full-duplex.
eth0: Pause is disabled
eth0: no IPv6 routers present
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If needed, you can get it on a text file here
Step 5: Cleaning up
Step 5.1: X
By now you probably already know that the Sun Blade 100 isn't a tipical Sun System. It makes use of USB technology
instead of it's own connector type. You must be aware of this while configuring your X server. The easiest way to
configure the X server is using the Debconf tool. I've put my XF86Conf file online here for your reference. It's important
to pick the xfree86 keyboard type instead of any Sun type keyboard. It's just a basic configuration compatible with the
Sun generic 17 inch monitor. Please not that the XF86Config file provided here is a pre XFree 4.3.0 version, if you are
using a more recent XFree 4.3.0 please read the additional section below.
I've had some problems when switching back and forth between X and consoles, this problem doesn't seem to occur
when xdm isn't running. You can disable xdm to run at boottime by renaming
/etc/rc2.d/S99xdm to /etc/rc2.d/K99xdm
You'll need to start X by issuing the startx command (this also solves some sound problems which only concern the use
of arts, this is merely a permissions issue but goes beyond the scoop of this document, just don't use xdm if you'd
experience any problems concerning arts/kde or the switching between graphical and non graphical consoles.
Step 5.2: Reparing Solaris
From the Bootrom prompt you can boot into Solaris by simply issuing the boot command at the prompt. When the
system reboots you will notice it rather panics, this is simply because it is unable to find the partition that needs to be
mounted under /space (we created our Linux partitions here).
WARNING - Unable to repair one or more filesystems.
Run fsck manually (fsck filesystem...).
Exith the shell when done to continue the boot process.
Type control-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
Open a rootshell and do:
bash-2.03# vi /etc/vfstab
#device device mount FS fsck mount mount
#to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options
#/dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2 /usr ufs 1 yes -
/proc - /proc proc - no -
fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 / ufs 1 no -
# the following line has been commented out this partition now contains linux
# /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /space ufs 1 yes -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 - - swap - no 0
Now reboot and everything should go just fine.
Step 5.3: Silo
SILO also known as Sparc Improved Boot Loader ( site ) This does what LILO does on i386 and what MILO does on
Alpha systems.
When you get the SILO prompt, you can simply hit enter.
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Step 5.4:Mounting the openpromfs
To obtain more information about your system you might try mounting your openprom, see example below
Kafka:/proc# mount -t openpromfs /mnt /mnt
Kafka:/mnt# ls -l /mnt
total 0
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 #size-cells
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe@1c,0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 aliases
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 banner-name
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 breakpoint-trap
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 chosen
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 clock-frequency
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 device_type
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 energystar-v3
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 idprom
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 memory@0,0
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 model
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 name
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 openprom
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 options
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 packages
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 pci@1f,0
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 reset-reason
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 scsi-initiator-id
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 stick-frequency
dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jun 27 12:36 virtual-memory
You can also dump your sparc OpenPROM tree using prtconf, this program is available in the sparc-utils package.
Kafka:/mnt# prtconf
System Configuration: Sun Microsystems sun4u
Memory size: 256 Megabytes
System Peripherals (Software Nodes):
packages (driver probably installed)
SUNW,builtin-drivers (driver probably installed)
deblocker (driver probably installed)
disk-label (driver probably installed)
terminal-emulator (driver probably installed)
obp-tftp (driver probably installed)
dropins (driver probably installed)
kbd-translator (driver probably installed)
chosen (driver probably installed)
openprom (driver probably installed)
client-services (driver probably installed)
options (driver probably installed)
aliases (driver probably installed)
memory (driver probably installed)
virtual-memory (driver probably installed)
pci (driver probably installed)
ebus (driver probably installed)
flashprom (driver probably installed)
eeprom (driver probably installed)
idprom (driver probably installed)
isa (driver probably installed)
dma (driver probably installed)
floppy (driver probably installed)
parallel (driver probably installed)
power (driver probably installed)
serial (driver probably installed)
serial (driver probably installed)
network (driver probably installed)
firewire (driver probably installed)
usb (driver probably installed)
mouse (driver probably installed)
storage (driver probably installed)
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keyboard (driver probably installed)
mouse (driver probably installed)
pmu (driver probably installed)
i2c (driver probably installed)
temperature (driver probably installed)
card-reader (driver probably installed)
dimm (driver probably installed)
ppm (driver probably installed)
beep (driver probably installed)
fan-control (driver probably installed)
sound (driver probably installed)
ide (driver probably installed)
disk (driver probably installed)
cdrom (driver probably installed)
SUNW,m64B (driver probably installed)
pci (driver probably installed)
SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe (driver probably installed)
You can use the eeprom program (also from the sparc-utils package) to change some of the variable in the OpenPROM, a
listing of the variables that can be set looks like:
Kafka:/mnt# eeprom
test-args: data not available.
oem-logo: data not available.
oem-banner: data not available.
boot-command=boot disk0:3
diag-file: data not available.
diag-device=disk net
boot-file: data not available.
boot-device=disk net
nvramrc: data not available.
security-password: data not available.
Last comments
During the year this document has been only some people mailed me with questions. I could not help all of them but I
did my best and I asked them to let me know the solution to their problems. I will give a short summary of the problems
including a direction to the solution.
I can boot up the installation but I can't use my keyboard
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This problem can have two causes, you booted a too old kernel without proper USB support or your PROM
version is too recent (this is mostly the case with blade 150 systems). You should consider a PROM downgrade.
I can not access the floppy drive
You are not alone, nobody can access the floppy drive and nobody will probably ever can. The floppy drive is
connected in a strange way running over the ISA bus, using DMA. It seems that this is commented in an unclear
way and no-one thinks it is worth the effort.
Video problems
You might experience video problems if you have the extra graphics board, try removing it during the installation
and reset the environment variables if the machine should fail to display output on the default video out.
Remark when using XFree 4.3.0
When you are using XFree 4.3.0 (or above, but currently only XFree 4.3.0 is available), you might experience that the
screen always goes "sync out of range", no matter what you try. This problem doesn't exist in an older version because in
XFree 4.3.0 a new ATI driver option got introduced which fails to be properly auto detected on Sun Blades (and other
system also possibly). When you look at the description of the XFree 4.3.0 ATI driver you can find a description of the
Reference Clock option. On a Sun Blade 100/150, you device section should look like:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Generic Video Card"
Driver "ati"
Option "reference_clock" "28.636 Mhz"
A thread from the Debian-Sparc mailinglist about this subject can be read here.
Famous Last words
Like I mentioned above, you may always give me feedback, suggestons, questions, remarks, ... whatever you like. You
can contact me at [email protected], the newest version of this document can be found at my homepage which is
Some links you might find interesting if you like this:
l Debian GNU/Linux homepage
l Silo homepage
l Unofficial Sun Blade 100 FAQ This was one of the best sites regarding the Sun Blade 100, but the site stopped to
l Mark Eichin's photographs of the Sun Blade 100 this site contains excellent high quality pictures of the Sun
Blade 100 system (internal and external.
l Bring you penguin into the Sun The FAQ for the Sparc part of the Linux Kernel tree, contains also really Linux /
Sparc information (not specific for the Blade 100 but a good read).
l The Debian Sparc mailing list archive
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obs funzt werden wir sehen! Bericht folgt
mejor con la bici a la playa de un Porsche para trabajar!
Board-User Level 1
Board-User Level 1
Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41

Beitragvon mazunte2308 » Di 07 Feb, 2006 20:23

sorry zwecks länge bitte net böse sein!
mejor con la bici a la playa de un Porsche para trabajar!
Board-User Level 1
Board-User Level 1
Beiträge: 553
Registriert: Mi 01 Feb, 2006 08:41


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